Inundation Analysis Tool


Please see the data inventory to find a period with hourly or six-minute data available.
Data Inventory

Note that this is a historical station and data may be available between 1974-08-30 00:00:00 and 1997-04-21 23:59:00

Select a reference elevation and specify a date range for analysis.

You may select from an accepted tidal datum or specify a different elevation.
Most elevations on land are given relative to a geodetic datum such as NAVD88

All analysis results are presently provided in meters relative to the requested threshold.

Meters relative to MHHWFeet relative to MHHWDatum
MHHW 0.0 0.0 Mean Higher-High Water
MHW -0.093 -0.31 Mean High Water
DTL -0.652 -2.14 Mean Diurnal Tide Level
MTL -0.674 -2.21 Mean Tide Level
MSL -0.681 -2.23 Mean Sea Level
MLW -1.255 -4.12 Mean Low Water
MLLW -1.305 -4.28 Mean Lower-Low Water
NAVD88 -0.63 -2.07 North American Vertical Datum
User Specified Elevation         in       relative to   

Note: Data query is limited to a 10 year maximum and 1 month minimum date range when requesting an analysis of 6-minute data

6-minute Height and High Water Analysis
Hourly Height and High Water Analysis
Hourly Height Analysis