Inundation Analysis Tool

8540433 Marcus Hook, PA

Please see the data inventory to find a period with hourly or six-minute data available.
Data Inventory

Select a reference elevation and specify a date range for analysis.

You may select from an accepted tidal datum or specify a different elevation.
Most elevations on land are given relative to a geodetic datum such as NAVD88

All analysis results are presently provided in meters relative to the requested threshold.

Meters relative to MHHWFeet relative to MHHWDatum
NOS Major 1.245 4.08 NOS Major Flood Threshold
NOS Moderate 0.856 2.81 NOS Moderate Flood Threshold
NOS Minor 0.575 1.89 NOS Minor Flood Threshold
MHHW 0.0 0.0 Mean Higher-High Water
MHW -0.114 -0.37 Mean High Water
DTL -0.94 -3.08 Mean Diurnal Tide Level
MTL -0.97 -3.18 Mean Tide Level
MSL -0.923 -3.03 Mean Sea Level
MLW -1.826 -5.99 Mean Low Water
MLLW -1.881 -6.17 Mean Lower-Low Water
NAVD88 -0.973 -3.19 North American Vertical Datum
User Specified Elevation         in       relative to   

Note: Data query is limited to a 10 year maximum and 1 month minimum date range when requesting an analysis of 6-minute data

6-minute Height and High Water Analysis
Hourly Height and High Water Analysis
Hourly Height Analysis